Sunday, March 24, 2024

Gun Control ⇨ More Crime

Controlling guns will limit crime, yes? In Canada the answer has proven to be "no." The Washington Times has the story.  Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.

How so? By encouraging what are called "hot burglaries" where burglars break into occupied homes, not fearing being shot by the homeowner. Curiously, the criminals much prefer jurisdictions where the victims are unarmed.

A disarmed Canadian populace is leading to a prevalence of “hot burglaries,” i.e., those that occur while the residents are home. Other countries that have strict gun control laws, such the United Kingdom, have similar problems. In fact, a study by the University of Chicago Law School found that half of the burglaries in Canada and the U.K. meet the definition of a “hot burglary,” while only 13% of burglaries in the United States can be defined that way.

Can anyone really be surprised by this gross discrepancy?

Innocent "civilians" are more likely to be injured or killed where hot burglaries are common.