Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Forlorn Hope

In the run-up to November's election Democrats will do their level best to convince you, if elected, President Donald Trump will destroy the United States. I don't believe they will succeed.

We all experienced four years of a Trump presidency and the US wasn't destroyed, was it? Did he do everything perfectly, of course not. No president does.

Did he do darned well in spite of Covid? I say he did, that's how I remember it and I'll bet you do too. Is he stylistically to everyone's taste? No, he's not ... so what? 

I am convinced I don't want an additional minute of Biden presidency, beyond noon on Jan. 20, 2025. Biden has been a tool of the left-most part of his party, and is deteriorating into dementia as we watch. 

When he was elected a lot of folks thought "Biden won't be an embarrassment like Trump sometimes is." Man, oh man, was that prediction completely off the mark. He is literally doddering through those duties that can't be ignored, mumbling about cannibals and other mental fluff.

Biden is a yuuuge embarrassment.