Saturday, April 27, 2024

Process Note

Sorry for no posts in the last two days, the DrsC have been “in transit” to our summer home in Wyoming. What made it particularly trying was that we did it about two weeks earlier than planned.

We weren’t “on the run” from Nevada, we just had a need to get to WY sooner than planned. This we accomplished without any major hassles. 

Spring comes late in the high country, there are still snow banks on the north sides of hills, houses, etc. The aspens are just “thinking about” leafing out, but it hasn’t happened yet. On the other hand, I've seen the season's first deer-in-the-yard.

The drive from I-15 east through the mountains of eastern Idaho was especially scenic. The other DrC, who has a more artistic eye than mine, said it looked like some terrain we experienced on a late spring drive up the Alaskan highway, and she was absolutely on target. 

Later today, while taking rest breaks from de-winterizing our house and unpacking the truck, I will try to get the Friday and Saturday Snarks chosen and posted. That’s all for now, time to get to work.