Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday Snark 1.0

 Susan Vass, a retired stand-up comic who posts at Power Line as Ammo Grrrll, recalling what she asked a group of teachers who’d just been lectured half to death about the achievement gap between various student racial groups.

I’ve heard a lot of concern today about how some students are not keeping up with others. Couldn’t you just solve this by asking the white kids to do WORSE?
As you might guess, she got a good laugh. She adds that today, unlike 15 years ago when the quip was delivered, nobody would dare laugh.

My take: Cancelling gifted programs, isn’t that asking the white (and Asian) kids to do worse? If you haven't read the Kurt Vonnegut short story Harrison Bergeron, understand he didn't mean it to become a how-to for DEI programs.