Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The NPR Monoculture

Concerning the critique of NPR by Uri Berliner, noted below, NPR has issued a non-response 'response.'  Berliner accused NPR of ideological non-diversity. They respond with a defense of their racial and ethnic diversity, a straw man Berliner never attacked.

I'm unclear whether the people who run NPR understand there are alternative viewpoints to those uniformly held by their staff. Half or more of the country holds views NPR does not recognize as existing or having salience to our national existence. 

I fear NPR is preaching to an ever-shrinking choir. The next time the GOP controls both houses of Congress they should zero out federal funding for NPR and leave it reliant on its listener base. 

Perhaps the need to grow the listening/contributing audience will cause someone at NPR to consider broadening the ideological reach of their news programs.