Thursday, April 4, 2024

Rove's Bias

As we get closer to the general election in early November, the legacy media are interviewing those deemed political experts for their views of who is doing what, and whether what they're doing works. This happens every four years and is, in itself, no bad thing.

Today's has two different comments from Karl Rove about what Trump is doing "wrong" in his campaign (here and here). Rove is knowledgeable about GOP politics and basically ran Bush II's two successful campaigns. 

Unfortunately, Bushies don't like Donald Trump even a little, and dump on him every chance they get. So in spite of Rove's unquestioned expertise, it is likely his dislike of DJT will cause him to see "problems" and "missteps" whether or not they actually exist.

For a guy who lost the last election and is under indictment by several of the country's Democrat prosecutors, Trump is doing darned well. He has the GOP nomination sewed up, and is ahead in the polls looking toward November. 

Reporters who favor Democrats (that's most of them) tend to seek out Rove because he can be counted on to pan Trump. You may want to discount Rove's criticisms of Trump's campaign.