Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year's Eve

Tonight, at midnight, we celebrate the arrival of a new, as yet unsullied, year. Let's try not to mess it up, okay?

Are you looking forward to what 2025 brings? I am.

I'd suggest celebration in moderation if I thought it would do any good. I don't ... it won't. If moderation is your shtick (as it is mine), you (and I) will continue in that vein. If it's not, my exhortation would fall on deaf ears. It were ever thus.

I've walked the path I'm on for decades, and it works for me. You will do you. My wish for you is that yours works as well for you as mine does for me.

Farewell 2024, you were interesting and had a strong finish.
Welcome 2025, I hope you live up to your promise.