Friday, December 27, 2024

Kotkin in the LA Times? Truly

In recent decades the Los Angeles Times has been reliably leftwing in its editorial policy and endorsements. I am old enough to remember when it was rightwing, which stance angered my late father - an unregenerate southern Democrat living in SoCal - very much.

Recent news of the paper's purchase by Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, and the new owner's concern that LAT had become too far out on the left has many wondering if he means it. Perhaps he does.

Today the paper publishes a "California is on the wrong track" column by somewhat conservative essayist-on-steroids Joel Kotkin, he is a SoCal resident and a leading critic of the state's decline. Giving Kotkin a platform, and thus implicit approval, must have lefty LAT regulars like Robin Abcarian projectile vomiting. 

I say let's give the new owner of LAT a chance to rescue the Gray Lady of the Left Coast. It can't happen overnight.

The following is a guess. It is obvious from his writing Kotkin loves SoCal and CA generally. I'll bet Soon-Shiong does too.  CA's combination of sunshine, low humidity, mild winters and geographic diversity is easy to love.

If you love a place, it's not fun watching it go bad, being abused and mismanaged. Soon-Shiong and Kotkin may bond over that shared experience, who knows? Full disclosure: CA still owns a piece of my heart.