The mainland Chinese are well-known for copying innovations occurring elsewhere, and apparently conduct espionage with that aim. Mostly we aren't impressed with their methods and thoughts and so we don't do much copying of China.
I just ran across an example of something originating in China that truly might be worth 'stealing.' When someone rams a car into a crowd killing and wounding many, or stabs several strangers on a street corner, the Chinese have coined a term for that behavior, calling them "revenge on society" crimes.
Obviously, similar crimes happen elsewhere, including here and in Europe. Since the perp doesn't know the victims the violent acts initially appear motiveless. I believe an argument can be made that he or she (mostly he or trans) wants revenge on society for their current angst, plight, anomie, hopelessness, incel state, anxiety or whatever else is making them miserable.
If there is a protest cause handy they may channel their rage through that, but when that outlet isn't available or relevant to their misery, they may do a mass attack on strangers taken as a proxy for the society at large.
Elections bleed off some of the protest energy in our society, the lack of meaningful elections in CCP-run China may make such acts marginally more likely but they certainly occur in many places around this globe. I expect calling these revenge on society crimes/killings may help us focus on the kind of motives propelling the misbehavior. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.