One subject a Management professor studies while attaining his or her doctorate is Organization Theory (and Practice, where that differs). Yes, we concern ourselves with how people behave (and misbehave) at work. We also concern ourselves with how the organizations themselves behave, what works, what doesn’t and why.
Any organization is complex, the bigger and the older it is, the more complex. Which of course makes the biggest, oldest organization on the planet - the Roman Catholic Church - a fascinating case study.
For a quick look at the inner workings of the upper reaches of the Church, you could do worse than this column at UnHerd, by author Damian Thompson. It is every bit as labyrinthine and multileveled as you’d suppose it would be.
Hat tip to RealClearWorld for the link. I think my favorite bit was his identification of Argentina-born Pope Francis as ideologically, if not theologically, an unreconstructed Peronist. Full disclosure: I am not a Roman Catholic.