Sunday, December 7, 2014

Travel Blogging VII

Orlando, Florida:  As military pilots say when flying ashore, COTTonLINE is "feet dry" and ready for action. The cruise part of this trip ended this a.m. around eight. We had a suitcase go missing for about an hour, until they found it and brought it to us.

Since then we picked up a rental car and drove the 200 miles north to Orlando, on the FL Turnpike ... very easy driving and much improved rest area service plazas with fuel and a wide assortment of fast food. 

Like CA, FL is green at this time of year, unlike CA it is also green in summer. Shirtsleeves weather in Dec. is very pleasant, it will be noticeably colder in TN.

Tomorrow we decend upon The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A Monday after Thanksgiving and before school gets out for Xmas shouldn't be too overrun with folks.