Monday, May 18, 2015

The Lure of Nationalism

Writing for Politico, Stan Greenberg draws a parallel between the unexpected-by-pollsters conservative wins in Israel and Britain. In both instances, he believes, appeals to nationalism carried the day. His greater point, this appeal won't work in the U.S.
America is a country of growing racial diversity, immigration, and multiculturalism. America is a genuinely exceptional nation that embraces its multiculturalism and aspires to achieve unity out of diversity. Playing the nationalist card here in the U.S. will not work electorally--or, more importantly, for the nation--in 2016 and beyond.
Greenberg is yet another liberal confusing what he wants to be true with what is, in fact, actually the case. I believe appeals to nationalism are powerful in the U.S., particularly among the GOP base.

Multiculturalism is thoroughly discredited liberal dogma. It has been a failure wherever tried, including in both Britain and Israel.