Saturday, May 16, 2015

Motherhood Has Objective Reality

Humanity's willingness to believe what they wish were true, regardless of how much it conflicts with what they know to be fact, never ceases to amaze me. Case in point: a Boston Globe column by Kathleen McCartney, president of Smith College. See what she alleges:
Motherhood is a cultural invention. It reflects a belief adopted by society that is passed down from one generation to the next.
Really? We just imagine motherhood? It has nothing to do with our observation of the animal kingdom, of which we humans are merely the most cerebral branch? What utter nonsense!

If you'd like to see an elaborate refutation of McCartney's idiocy, see the John Podhoretz column in the New York Post. Personally, I don't think her argument is serious enough to warrant the effort.

It is another laughable example of a liberal willfully believing what she wants to be true, blithely ignoring demonstrable reality. As we noted on Tuesday, unrealistic thinking characterizes idealists who cannot make the world conform to their ideals.