Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Identifying the Problem

The Tampa Tribune has an editorial about the U.S. not topping lists of places with highest quality of life. By way of excuses they cite our role as world policeman, er, peacekeeper. Hat tip to Lucianne.com for the link.

I believe the U.S. quality of life problem arises from being inundated by millions of peasant immigrants who speak no English and have little U.S.-relevant education. Every third world person who comes here brings third world quality of life with him or her.

Countries ahead of us in the rankings don't deal with anything like those numbers of marginal individuals who pull down averages. Imposition of an Australian-style immigration system favoring law-abiding people with assets, education and English skills, combined with getting control of our borders, could go a long way to improving our quality of life index numbers.