Unlike Wells, some 66 miles south of here on I-80, there are no publicly identified brothels in Jackpot. Most towns along 80 have one or more commercial sex establishments, it is a fine, old Nevada tradition. One suspects they cater to the long haul truckers, as well as the local miners and cowhands.
Normally this region is arid enough to qualify as high desert, no cactus but lots of sage and rock. This trip it is clouded over and raining off and on. We stepped across quite large puddles coming back to the RV from supper in the casino coffee shop.
I'm wondering if this is some of the same storm system that is soaking TX? Too bad it won't cross the Sierras and wet down CA.
I'm wondering if this is some of the same storm system that is soaking TX? Too bad it won't cross the Sierras and wet down CA.