Sunday, May 10, 2015

Why the Tories Won Outright

Janet Daley writes politics from a Conservative viewpoint for the British paper The Telegraph. Here she suggests how the British polls could have been so terribly wrong about the election. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.

Daley's thesis: voters held Conservative views which they were made to feel uncomfortable about expressing. Uncomfortable because British media have established "you wouldn't want to be known as someone who held those unfashionable views." The BBC is certainly guilty as charged.

She hypothesizes people lied about their intentions when contacted by pollsters. According to Daley, some 40% consistently said they were "undecided" right up to election day. She doesn't believe most of those were honest.

COTTonLINE believes polls here in the states have suffered from a similar, though less dramatic, bias against the GOP. As in Britain, our MSM determinedly lean left without admitting it is so.