Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Rorschach Test

Writing for Politico, Michael Kruse claims former President Trump will be a disruptive ex-president, an activist claiming from Mar-a-Lago that he is still the legitimate head of state. Kruse draws analogies with the popes of Avignon who contested leadership of the Catholic Church with their contemporaries in Rome.

Essentially simultaneously, comic-turned-TV-political-pundit Bill Maher is fretting about not liking Trump’s “radio silence.” You can almost hear Maher echoing the cliche from old jungle movies, “I don’t like it, it’s too quiet.”

They can’t both be right, can they? If Trump is active, and if anything he tends to be hyperactive, he is wrong. If he is quiet, that’s wrong too. Ooooh, beware the boogyman. 

It appears Trump is a Rorschach test, what you see is self-referential. Relax guys, Trump will be Trump, 

Evidence suggests he is the party’s current leader; at least a king-maker, perhaps a presidential candidate again. Or maybe he’ll head off in some entirely new direction, he is after all a serial entrepreneur.