Saturday, January 30, 2021

Changing Partners links to a Daniel Greenfield article for FrontPageMag, the title of which is this:

87% of Bureau of Land Management Staffers Quit 
When Trump Told Them to Move to Colorado

Actually, no they didn’t “quit.” If you scroll down you find this quote:

The reorganization plan reestablished the bureau’s headquarters in Grand Junction, Colo., moved 328 positions out of Interior’s main D.C. office and left 60 jobs in place. 

A total of 287 BLM employees either retired or found other jobs, according to Interior communications director Melissa Schwartz, while 41 people moved to the new office in Colorado.

How did I know this? Several decades ago the Federal Government “borrowed” me from the university, and I spent 2 years in the DC area working as a temp internal consultant for USDA.

While there I learned many federal employees in the DC area consider government agencies to be interchangeable. People move from one agency to another while practicing their particular specialization. For example my immediate boss had worked for the IRS before coming to USDA. I knew people at USDA who had previously worked for the Army, the Forest Service, Treasury, etc.

So, did moving jobs to Grand Junction, CO, cause people to leave Federal service? Some retired, most simply found government jobs elsewhere in the ‘company town’ that is greater DC. 

What did happen was people local to Grand Junction had a shot at jobs that hadn’t existed there before. And it’s likely current federal employees in western CO applied for them, people working for the Forest Service, the Park Service, USDA, etc.

It is the equivalent of former Pontiac or Oldsmobile workers moving to Chevrolet or Buick while continuing with GM. An example of “change partners and dance.”