Wednesday, January 6, 2021

We Disapprove

The election this past November was more hinky than usual, and they’re normally less than clean. Nevertheless, it is the opinion of this small-time op-ed writer that the rioting and violence at the Capitol today is entirely unjustified and wrong. 

While COTTonLINE has normally supported President Trump, his actions in fostering what happened today are reprehensible, basically inexcusable. It isn’t how we Americans do politics. It has a third world vibe we don’t need or want. 

Donald Trump doesn’t handle defeat well, that’s been obvious since early November. Today he finally jumped the shark, went from crank to rabble-rouser. In the process, he very likely destroyed his ability to be influential in the coming years.

It is time for the Trump Administration to “go gentle into that good night.” The rage Dylan Thomas called for is inappropriate in this context.