Sunday, January 10, 2021

Good Point

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard writes a column entitled:

Final Trump Report Card: Lasting accomplishments fouled by his personality

Instapundit links to it, and posts this caveat:

The problem is, without his personality, could he have withstood the media pressure to win in 2016, and not fold afterward? Mitt Romney, say, certainly lacks the strength to withstand the pressure, and for that matter to win at all.

Given our owned-by-Democrats media environment, can a Republican win and get anything done if he isn’t an abrasive, chip-on-shoulder ‘Nu Yawk’ kind of guy? The polite Bushes, father and son, proved ineffectual. 

The other DrC liked to say “Trump is a bully, but he’s my bully.” If he was occasionally embarrassing, I valued his infuriating people whose policies and personas I dislike - think Pelosi, Schumer and Clinton. He made them apoplectic, a laudable service.