Friday, January 15, 2021

New Information Appears

It has taken a week or more but we are beginning to learn of left-wing agitators identified as among those who assaulted the Capitol. And we are hearing of arrests of same.

I know only what someone who reads several public news sources knows, nothing more. Given that limitation, do I believe the whole thing was a false flag operation? No, I don’t. 

In my opinion it was a potentially explosive situation made worse by malicious agitation motivated by a desire to create a black eye for MAGA folks. Might the incursion have happened without their ‘assistance?’ Possibly, perhaps even probably, there is no way to know.

While the left’s outrage looks less credible because BLM and Antifa radicals were present, it in no way excuses the actual Trump supporters who entered the Capitol. They were wrong to do so and will suffer the consequences. 

Many thousands who came to DC, it appears, did nothing unlawful and remained outside protesting peacefully as is their constitutional right. If as it appears they accomplished nothing, they also caused no harm by showing up and voicing their opinion, having their say.