Saturday, June 19, 2021

A Problem for Democrats

Writing for the Cook Political Report, Amy Walter - an occasional member of Bret Baier's Fox News panel - looks at Democrats' problems with what she calls "voters of color." Over the past three presidential elections the voting-for-Democrats trend lines are down for all segments of this group of voters.

Democrats rely heavily on non-White voters, and they've been losing ground with this group gradually but consistently over the twelve years. It appears the cultural issues that motivate many GOP voters also have salience with "voters of color," albeit to a lesser degree.

Walter explains Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians were lumped together in this analysis because of difficulties in getting sufficient minority survey respondents to enable the desired analysis. I consider this a reason to be cautious in interpreting the findings reported here. The experiences and therefore attitudes of Blacks and Hispanics are far from identical.