Tuesday, June 15, 2021


I haven’t posted anything for a few days, my only excuse is that I am uninspired by the events of the day. Our doddering President is abroad, embarrassing himself (and us) more or less continuously on the world stage. Inasmuch as this was both expected and predicted, his gaffes and lapses do not truly constitute “news.”

We’re awaiting a series of expected term-end decisions by the Supreme Court. The only thing of interest done recently was to kick the can down the road on the Harvard “discrimination against Asians and Whites” case. 

SCOTUS asked the Dept. of Justice for their view of the university’s systemic bias against Asians, when the view of the Biden DOJ is known in advance (this DOJ thinks it justified). Court watchers believe the intent is to delay the eventual decision beyond the 2022 election.