Saturday, June 26, 2021

Changing Climates

Every now and then, it needs restating: "Climates change." They always have, probably always will. They've done it over and over without human intervention, and that is provable. 

There are fossilized trees in the Antarctic and the Arctic, where no trees now grow - climate change. The conditions that caused the Dust Bowl just happened, and then stopped - climate change. The Ice Age happened, and then ended - climate change. The Little Ice Age happened during the Middle Ages, and then ended - climate change. 

The likelihood that humans can affect the climate in measurable ways is unlikely, unproven, and maybe unprovable, although not impossible. My opinion: those who claim we endanger the climate substantially overstate our ability to impact the world's climate. That is, however, my guess which I'm willing to label as such.

To the extent we can organize to deal with something not yet proven, our efforts should focus on how we will deal with whatever climate changes may come our way. That would include, but not be limited to, crops that thrive with less water and more (or less) heat than exists currently, plus more efficient ways to heat and cool our homes and offices.