Monday, June 21, 2021

Filibuster … Who Benefits?

The felicitously named Sean Trende writes political analysis for RealClearPolitics. Today he analyzes the benefit of the Senate filibuster to each major party. 

Not particularly surprisingly, Trende finds it benefits Democrats more often than Republicans. Yet, at the moment, it is mostly Democrats who want to eliminate it. He concludes ironically:

There really is a benefit to the stability brought about by the filibuster, even if it often prevents enacting big things that one party or the other would prefer.

If one holds the principled position that the filibuster should be eliminated, and held it even during Trump’s presidency, then yes, Manchin deserves the condemnation he is receiving. If, however, one supports eliminating the filibuster mostly because one favors progressive priorities, Manchin (and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema) are probably doing you a favor.

Trende’s finding may seem far-fetched. Read his whole column to understand how he arrives at that seemingly contradictory position. 

Snarky side observation: Democrats are known for their demand for instant gratification, their unwillingness (or inability) to think long-term.