Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Swamp Ignores Us links to a Washington Times report of interesting Trafalgar Group poll results. Respondents were asked if they agreed with this statement: “the will of the people is no longer a consideration to leaders in D.C. when making policy or legislative decisions.”

The exact numbers were 62.4% of likely voters in the 2022 midterm elections, including 76.4% of Republicans, 50.4% of Democrats and 59% of “no party / other” voters believed that Washington ignores the popular will.

The survey also found out that Americans see their personal freedom as having declined during the COVID-19 epidemic and are at the point where they don’t want the government to take specific action to combat a new, more-communicable strain of the virus, the so-called “delta” variant.

While the group sponsoring the poll has a definite point of view, Trafalgar Group is a reputable firm which is unlikely to fudge the results they report.

The "wow" in these numbers is that a slender majority of Democrats agree with Republicans that the Washington swamp isn't much listening to us folks. It is clear, for example, that there is no popular groundswell of support for critical race theory in either party. So why is the U.S. military trying to sell it to the troops?