Wednesday, August 25, 2021

An Omen?

An interesting development in the lead-up to the recall-Gavin-Newsom election in California. A former Democratic majority leader in the CA Senate, Gloria Romero, has endorsed Larry Elder and supports recalling Newsom.

Fox News quotes Ms. Romero speaking in a Larry Elder campaign ad:

Our public schools need big change. I’m Gloria Romero; I was the majority leader of Democrats in the state Senate.

I believe in charter schools and and school choice. So does Larry Elder – but not Gavin Newsom. He shut our public schools while he sent his kids to private schools.

Yes: I’m a Democrat. But the recall of Newsom is not about political party. It’s about Newsom. Larry Elder for governor.

In CA, where Hispanics outnumber whites by three percentage points, Romero's endorsement could be quite positive for Elder.

Afterthought: How serious about education is Gloria Romero? Serious enough to swap being majority leader to chair the education committee. Her views there must have given the CTA real heartburn.