Tuesday, August 24, 2021

An Ominous Observation

The pseudonymous Bonchie writes for the Red State website. He watched President Biden's 'news conference' this afternoon (five hours late) and wrote the following observations about the President's appearance.

What I took the most from this presser is this: Biden is sick. As I said, his eyes were bloodshot and glazed over. It was difficult to even see the whites of his eyes at times. His presentation was cold, with no empathy to be found. Upon finishing his teleprompter reading, he simply stumbled out, taking no questions, clearly unable to physically and mentally do so. It was obvious why he was five hours late for this presser. Something is bad wrong with the president, and there’s no way it can be ignored anymore.

It sounds physical but he may simply be sick of the job. It can't have been much fun over the last couple of weeks, the formerly tame legacy media have turned on him. Hat tip to Ed Driscoll at Instapundit for the link.