Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Trash Talking

David Solway, in a column for PJ Media, examines our current national political leadership and finds it abysmal. See what he writes:

The nation is ruled by a president who seems to be in the terminal stages of galloping dementia. His potential replacement resembles a cackling witch with the intelligence of a feral child. The Senate majority leader is by all reasonable accounts a candidate for intensive psychotherapy.

What unites these three presumptive authorities is a triple condition consisting of (a) contempt for the country they were elected or appointed to serve; (b) an intelligence quotient at the low end of the bell curve; and (c) an insatiable lust for the spoils of financial jobbery and unmitigated power.

I'm not certain why Solway left out the fourth horse-person of our apocalypse - Nancy Pelosi. Perhaps he thought her intelligence insufficiently low to lump in with the other three nincompoops; she does exhibit Borgia-style cunning and tactics. Of course, conditions a and c characterize all four ... in spades. Hat tip to Stephen Green, posting at Instapundit, for the link.