Friday, August 27, 2021

Poll: Choices Have Consequences

Headline at The College Fix website:

Almost one-third of recent college grads moved back in with their parents: survey

If you’re honest about such things, you know most of that third are people who majored in a self-absorbed field whose title ends in “studies.” Examples: Women’s Studies, Latinx Studies, LGBTQ Studies, Environmental Studies. Or who majored in an older field for which there is essentially no established employment demand: Paleoarcheology, Spanish Literature, Classics, Edwardian Costume Design, Music Theory, etc.

Practical graduates with majors in STEM, or business or teaching or nursing got jobs and got on with their lives. The “moved back with parents” remainder can begin by learning to ask, “Do you want fries with that?” or driving for Uber. 

Meanwhile the latter group deal with resentment that society has no demand for a personally relevant degree they borrowed tens of thousands to obtain. I predict widespread substance abuse among these unhappy folk.