Sunday, August 22, 2021

Woke = Loser

Donald J. Trump, speaking to the crowd at yesterday’s Alabama rally, after a clip of the movie where General Patton speaks to the troops was used as warm-up. After putting down modern “woke” generals, Trump defined the term.

You know what woke means? It means you’re a loser…. Everything woke turns to sh**.

Earthy, but on-target. After Kabul, our woke government and Pentagon are such big-time losers even the left wing legacy media have turned against them. 

A month ago I would have sworn that was impossible. Imagine how wrenching it must feel to lefty journalists, like the world turned upside-down. Joe Biden & Co. have managed to make Donald Trump look amazingly polished by comparison, no mean feat. 

Afterthought: Talk about bitter-sweet. Biden has handed Republicans a giant stick with which to beat Democrats, but in doing so he damaged our country.