Sunday, December 19, 2021

Accurate Observation, Wrong Cause

Instapundit links to a report from The College Fix which indirectly makes fun of claims made by an ethnically Asian professor at North Carolina State University.

KangJae “Jerry” Lee, of NC State’s College of Natural Resources who has a PhD in Park and Tourism Sciences, says the dearth of black Americans in activities such as hiking, fishing and hunting can’t be explained away by cultural differences or income level. “Systemic racism” is the culprit.

Lee said “The issue becomes excruciatingly clear that historical institutional racism has banished people of color from the great outdoors.”

I think Lee is being "woke" while angling for a fat anti-discrimination research grant to "buy himself out of the classroom." He is, however, totally correct that Blacks are underrepresented in the utilization of our National Parks and Forests. However, one does see a few Blacks in these outdoor recreation spots, and nobody hassles them or makes them unwelcome.

In dismissing "cultural differences" Dr. Lee makes a major error; cultural differences totally explain Black underrepresentation in camping and RVing. Non-Blacks don't understand the extent to which Black Americans strive to avoid being accused of "acting White."