Friday, December 31, 2021

Avoid Cruises?

You may have read a report, like this from CBS News, that the Center for Disease Control warns people to avoid taking cruises in the current Covid environment, regardless of one's vaccination status. Perhaps you thought they were being alarmist?

Sorry, they’re not exaggerating. Cruise ships are great places to catch communicable diseases; take it from someone who has almost certainly cruised more than you have. More often than I like, I caught something and spent half the cruise hacking and miserable. And this was before Covid-19.

The other DrC and I lectured on cruise ships for several years, and we’ve since done many cruises as passengers. Our long cruises have included Singapore to Rome, San Diego to, and around, Australia, Tahiti to Ft. Lauderdale, and multiple Pacific crossings. Pre-Covid I’d estimate my chances of getting a shipboard cold or bronchitis being about one cruise in three. At home I rarely get sick. 

This time the CDC is correct. During a plague year, do yourself a favor and don’t cruise. Probably the safest vacation travel you can do, from a disease perspective, is in an RV, eating meals you prepared, and avoiding motels and restaurants. We rarely get ill while RVing; not never but truly rarely.