Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Editorial Note

In case you haven’t noticed, this blog is my one-and-only presence online. I’m not on Facebook, not on Instagram, and I don’t Tweet. For me, this policy isn’t recent, I’ve never done any of those platforms. 

Sure … I’ve looked at stuff others have posted, but I’ve posted exactly nothing on any such site. For me this blog is the whole enchilada, win or lose. And it’s a labor of love, not a source of revenue, ergo no ads.

I’ve tried to be responsible in my serious content here, except when I share humorous snark. I intend to continue in this vein. To date, nobody has messed with, or censored, what I’ve written.

Coming up later this month, COTTonLINE will celebrate its 15th anniversary. If you’ve come along for the ride, you have my gratitude. All of the 12,000 or so posts are still available in the Archive and a fair few stand the test of time.