Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Destroy the Left

That teller of hard conservative truths - Kurt Schlichter - is at it again for Townhall.com. This time his topic is the GOP primary race. First, know his assumptions.

The enemy hates us, and it is dead serious about converting its hatred into policy. (snip) This is a cold war where we become serfs if we don’t win. (snip) The enemy holds every major institution; if you are worried about collateral damage to the institutions that seek to enslave us – or worse – then you don’t have the stones to flatten them and their current occupants. And that’s what we need to do.

After surveying the field of announced and expected candidates for the GOP nomination, here is what Schlichter concludes. 

Here’s the reality – this is a race between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, who is widely-expected to make it official soon. There’s no one else in the Octagon.

This race is not about policy because that’s been decided. Our policy is to destroy the left.

The GOP’s decision in 2024 is solely over the identity of the general who will take command. Will it be the cold, calculating, ruthlessly effective RDS, or the unstoppable juggernaut – well, except for ridiculous tangents to call Rosie O’Donnell “Horseface” –that is Donald Trump? Both will rain down destruction upon our enemies – Ron the precision Hellfire and Don the massive MOAB.

The real difference between the two is electability – that is, who is most likely to win in the general election?

Schlichter concludes DeSantis has a better chance of being elected but adds he will vote for whichever of the two is nominated. That's my current view too. His reference to "the Octagon" is from mixed martial arts, their version of a boxing ring.