Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Will or Won’t He?

Last night Hugh Hewitt was on Bret Baier’s Fox News Special Report panel, and I watched him say the following about President Biden’s political future.

I’m expecting an LBJ ’68 exit sometime next year,” Hewitt said.
“You are?” Baier asked.
“Yes,” he [Hewitt] said. “I don’t think he [Biden] can do it. I don’t think his wife is going to let him do it and his friends certainly should be counseling him not to do it.”
Reacting to this interplay, Stephen Green who posts at Instapundit writes the following.
I think Hewitt might be underestimating the callousness of the cabal that installed Biden in the first place, and particularly Jill Biden.

To which I’d add, underestimating the extent to which all senators believe they see a future president in the mirror while brushing their teeth. Old Joe is currently living his dream, he’s got the brass ring. If he screws up occasionally, it isn’t clear he cares much. Plus his hand picked DOJ leaves him and his crooked family alone, he can't give that up.

Bottom line: I’ll believe a Biden claim “I won’t run” when I see (a) him say it, and (b) multiple trusted sources report it so I know it’s not a deep fake.