Friday, May 5, 2023

En Route

I write this post in a Salt Lake City suburb, we are overnighting here with friends en route to Wyoming where we will be at home tomorrow. We left NV in shirtsleeves and by the time we first traded drivers near Cedar City we needed jackets.

A couple of the passes on I-15 go up to 6000 ft. Utah’s mountains still have plenty of snow cover, particularly higher up. On the drive north we saw temps as low as the 40s, with wind and a bit of misting rain. 

We were just about done with spring in NV and will get to experience it again in WY. For a pair with some hay fever allergies, going through the spring blooming season twice is, at best, a mixed blessing. 

Side note for travelers: if you are headed through SLC on I-15, and don’t plan to stop, by all means use the I-215 bypass. It takes you around downtown with quite a bit less traffic on relatively new highway, it’s nice.

My usual Friday and Saturday Snark posts will be posted on Sunday, if I get the desktop computer set up. Luckily the single hour time zone change between NV and WY engenders no jet lag. Coming back from Budapest we had more than enough of that, which I experienced as generalized malaise, similar to a mild hangover.

Sunday addendum: We woke up this morning in western WY to see a light snow fall happening outside our windows. It didn’t stick, yesterday afternoon was somewhat warm. 

Our property has mounds of snow scattered through the forest, and nothing has leafed out yet. Spring will be late this year. A herd of eight deer were here to welcome us yesterday afternoon. They aren't pets, we don't feed them but do like watching them.