Tuesday, May 16, 2023

John Durham Reports

The big news in the last 24 hours is the release of Special Counsel John Durham’s report - nearly four years in the making - on who was responsible for the hoax that falsely claimed a relationship between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Durham found the guilt was shared among the Clinton campaign which instigated and paid for it, the FBI and DOJ whose support gave it unwarranted ‘legitimacy’, and the media’s eagerness to propound the obviously false story.

Implied as a ‘co-conspirator’ is Trump, and his well-documented inability to resist the charms of whatever attractive female happened to be in his vicinity. This characteristic he obviously shared with FDR, JFK, MLK, and WJC, and other powerful if less famous men. That power is a notorious aphrodisiac has been known for millennia.

To find a mainstream media unit to cite on this story, I have to go abroad to the Daily Mail (U.K.). U.S. legacy media was nearly all complicit in the hoax, and won a couple of Pulitzers for their eager gullibility. As such, their current failure-to-report is a continuation of unabashed journalistic malpractice.