Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Metastatic Urbanism

Let me share with you some excerpts of a recent Kurt Schlichter column on our festering big cities, I'm thinking of San Francisco, but the others are no better.

The Democrat cities are urine-soaked hellholes that reek of pot where criminals stalk unmolested while the full fury of what is supposed to be the law hangs over the head of any citizen who dares do something about it, and that’s good. The idiots who live there voted for turning their urban landscapes into petri dishes of social pathologies, and they should enjoy the full benefits of their decisions.

We normal people should avoid these socialist wastelands and elect legislators to Congress who will starve them of the federal funds that enable their decline. In red states, our legislators should wage warfare on the blue tumors in their midst lest they metastasize outside the city limits. 

Us normal people can’t help the cities and their moron populations because they don’t want to help themselves.

That's vintage Schlichter, as unsubtle and direct as a gut punch followed by a knee in the groin. He's right, of course.