Monday, May 8, 2023

Woke Revolutionaries

Victor Davis Hanson is both a historian and a prolific author writing about current affairs from a historian's perspective. COTTonLINE has cited his work many times.

Today he writes for American Greatness comparing today's woke revolutionaries to the Girondins, Montagnards, and Jacobins of the French Revolution. He sees former progressives becoming targets of even more radical leftists. 

We have not descended to the guillotine yet, but we are getting there with online cancel culture, doxxing, deplatforming, boycotts, mandatory diversity statements, indoctrination training, ostracism for an incorrect word, and violence redefined as activism.

The French Revolution ended when a bloody fratricidal mess that couldn't go on, didn't go on. VDH believes (or perhaps hopes) he sees the beginnings of such a correction in our society. Join me in hoping his foresight is clear-eyed and acute.