Thursday, May 11, 2023

Producing the Exact Opposite

Elizabeth Weil writes about the urban decay that befouls San Francisco for Curbed, and does a fair job of communicating how bad it has become. Here are a couple of samples.

The Blick security guard kept texting me videos. He needed someone to see what he was seeing out there, on his patch of Market Street, between Fifth and Sixth. Did I know how the black markets worked? Had I walked down Market Street at night? Did I know that some of the street addicts were rotting, literally: their decomposing flesh attracting flies. The Anthropologie, where he used to work, announced it would close.

Everywhere you looked, you saw it billboarded: The social contract had ruptured, and we’d ceased to believe we could fix it. The city often seemed to operate like an incompetent parent, confusing compassion and permissiveness, unable to maintain boundaries, producing the exact opposite result of what it claimed to want.

Progressives voters decide who runs SF and they share with President Biden a key characteristic. It was identified by President Obama who famously said "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." SF voters have well and truly done precisely that to the City also known as Baghdad by the Bay.