Monday, July 28, 2008

100 Days and Counting....

One hundred days before the November election and the polls could not be less clear. We have results that go in either direction; in these circumstances you pick the results you like and believe those. Or, as carnival barkers once said, "You pays your money and takes your choice."

Here is a sampling for your perusal. This poll says McCain is ahead among "likely voters" by 4%. This one says Obama is ahead among "registered voters" by 9%. And Rasmussen says Obama leads McCain by 3% among "likely voters."

Robert Novak, the black-suit-wearing "Prince of Darkness," says in The Washington Post that Obama should be much farther ahead of McCain than he is. Novak reports:
These numbers have prompted speculation among Republican political practitioners that McCain can back into the presidency, just as he backed into his party's nomination.

What is the politics aficionado to make of this? Possibly that the Bradley Effect, sometimes also known as the Wilder Effect, is in play. Polls may be less reliable during this political season because Obama is, literally, African-American.

My hunch is that only Clinton's supporters have changed their minds about who they will vote for in the last 60 days. How many of those will switch parties is a real question. Have a few "undecideds" made up their minds? Possibly.

We live in interesting times....