Thursday, July 24, 2008

Conspiracy, Conspiracy

There is a lot of talk in the blogosphere and in a few media outlets about former presidential candidate and vice presidential nominee John Edwards being caught in a Beverly Hills hotel visiting a mistress who had his child. His denials have been half-hearted at best.

Okay, conspiracy theorists, what if this is Edwards' way of establishing his masculinity? While his presidential primary campaign was active, many blogs called him "silky pony" and other slurs inferring his androgyny or homosexuality. Allegations of a mistress and illegitimate child will tend to have the effect of spiking those rumors.

One of Edwards' married campaign workers has admitted fathering the child. Perhaps that worker is telling the truth but it serves Edwards' interests to be thought the father.

Matryoshka dolls, wheels within wheels, nothing is precisely what it seems, let's all sink gratefully into paranoia....