Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Obama is a Bush Clone

Paul Gigot, who heads the OpEd page for The Wall Street Journal, writes that Obama has adopted many of George W. Bush's programs as his own. Gigot writes that Obama is the real candidate running for W's third term.

The most recent example of this behavior is his embrace today of faith-based NGOs. This was not a good idea when W proposed it and is not a good idea today when Obambi likes it. Gigot concludes:
All of which prompts a couple of thoughts. The first is that Mr. Obama doesn't seem to think American political sentiment has moved as far left as most of the media claim. Another is that the next President, whether Democrat or Republican, is going to embrace much of Mr. Bush's foreign and antiterror policy whether he admits it or not.

In his rush to the middle, Obama may so irritate the netroots left that they'll vote for Nader - wouldn't that be rich?