Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Voters Agree Congress Sucks

A Rasmussen Reports poll finds that only 9% of respondents give Congress a good or excellent rating. Ratings this low have never happened before. Why am I not surprised?

Gentle readers, remember which party has a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate: the Democrats. Remember who leads these far-from-august bodies: Harry Reid of Nevada leads the Senate, Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco leads the House. Talk about a pair of losers; they are real embarrassments for our nation.

It would truly serve the incumbents right if we threw out every one who is up for reelection. If you think Congress is doing a poor job, but your rep is doing a good job, you are typical. Collectively, all of our "good job doing" reps are doing a terrible job. Isn't there something wrong with this picture?