Wednesday, July 30, 2008

...This Lousy T-Shirt

You can almost hear the voters saying "Obama went to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Europe and all I got was this lousy T-shirt." Check out this Rasmussen Report, the title of which says it all:
Obama trip: No Gain for the Democrat, No Pain for McCain.

Rasmussen finds that essentially equal numbers of voters see the trip as a negative (23%) or as a positive (24%). Over half (52%) think it meant nothing.

With the entire mainstream media, including all three network anchors, following Obama like adoring disciples and reporting his every step, this has to be a tremendous let-down for him. Imagine going half way around the world, meeting all sorts of leaders, and three-quarters of the voters see it as either irrelevant or negative.

That's ugly...that's the 2008 election cycle in microcosm...everybody gets humbled.