Friday, August 22, 2008

Biden Apparent Dem Veep Pick

Delaware Senator Joe Biden is the apparent Obama selection for the Democratic vice presidential nomination, according to this Wall Street Journal article. This Associated Press article concurs. The official announcement from Obama is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday.

Speaking on the PBS News Hour Friday, David Brooks, New York Times columnist and News Hour regular said Obama should pick Biden. Brooks claimed not to know who the actual nominee would be.

Biden is an old-line, north-eastern liberal, working class, pro-union Democrat with a decades-long voting record. The Biden choice, if he proves to be the actual nominee, reflects a do-no-harm decision model.

Biden tends to further dilute Obama's image as something new politically. If there is one thing Biden is not, it is new or cutting edge. All in all, a safe, boring choice that has almost nothing to do with "change." I predict the netroots, the active part of Obama's base, will not be amused.

You have to wonder how an old pro like Biden feels playing second fiddle on the ticket to a senatorial new-comer who has yet to chair a committee or sponsor any meaningful legislation. I wonder if he'd be a Vice President like Dick Cheney, so much more experienced in Washington than his boss that he ends up with undue influence?