Friday, August 22, 2008

You Can't Make It Up

Some reality is so strange you couldn't make it up because nobody would believe you. Here is an example of strange reality for your entertainment and bemusement.

Newsbusters' P.J. Gladnick reports a lawsuit filed by a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Democratic Party county chairman and prominent Philadelphia area lawyer named Philip J. Berg. The lawsuit alleges that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible to run for President of the United States because he was born in Kenya to a mother who was not, at the time, old enough to confer automatic U.S. citizenship or because he was adopted in Indonesia (or both, I guess).

I have no idea of whether this suit has merit or not. The plaintiff was a big Hillary Clinton supporter so he is hardly unbiased. With the exception of this tiny blurb (scroll down) in the Philadelphia Daily News, the mainstream media has so far ignored the suit.

I'd like to believe the WaPo, WSJ and NYT have demon investigative reporters digging into it as I write. I'd like to believe that, but I don't. Once again getting the truth will probably fall to the blogosphere and the likes of National Enquirer. Sad....