Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden = Cheney 2.0

The parallels are eerie. A relative outsider running for president picks an old Washington hand who knows the ropes. The old hand ends up being very influential.

That is a description of the George W. Bush selection of Dick Cheney in 2000. It could equally be a description of the Barack Hussein Obama selection of Joe Biden in 2008. I see history repeating itself.

I won't bore you with all the ways Biden's career looks like Cheney's, and I recognize there are minor differences. For example, Biden has no executive branch experience whereas Cheney had been Secretary of Defense. Also, Biden's experience has mostly been in the Senate while Cheney's was in the House. Still, to anybody but a nitpicker, these two look mightily alike as do their bosses - outsiders with relatively little experience. The similarities probably won't be in policy so much as in operating style, an important issue to this old management prof. As if to seal the deal, check out this CNN story line:
Barack Obama accidentally introduced his running mate Joe Biden as the next president of the United States Saturday.
Democrats have viewed my WY neighbor Dick Cheney and his boss as devils incarnate. Who would have thought they would select a nominee pair who resemble them in so many ways.

Is this weird, or what? You can't make this stuff up.