Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pew: Mommy, Daddy Split Continues

The Bloomberg website reports the latest poll by the non-partisan Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, the results show Obama and McCain essentially tied. I see no surprises there.

What is interesting is the gender divide between the two presidential candidates. Men prefer McCain by 8 points and women prefer Obama by 13 points. This difference really underscores an idea that has been attributed to political economist Jude Wanniski: The Republicans are the Daddy Party and the Democrats are the Mommy Party. If you play with the implications of this generalization, I think you'll find them interesting and helpful.

Also of interest, 88% of blacks prefer Obama whereas 56% of whites prefer McCain. Obama scores with younger voters, McCain with older voters. A point to note, older folks are much more likely to vote than younger folks.